New Arrow domestic workers available now!

IMG_5543 在菲律賓,為期兩個星期的家傭訓練終於結束了!新一批的家傭簡直能以完美來形容!她們的質素也是有目共睹,有證有據的。就連我們在菲律賓的合作伙伴公司,其公司主席在參與我們的訓練課程後亦讚道:「嘩!這些女傭真棒呀!」我們相信你也一定會同意的!詳情參看

We have recently finished two weeks of domestic helper orientation in the Philippines. This batch of trainees has been the best yet. The quality of these people is evident. The president of the Philippine agency that we partner with, attended our training and commented "Wow, these ladies are really good." We think you'll agree. Take a look.

Allan SmithComment