Arrow 2nd Annual Thanksgiving Party

Our 2nd Annual party to say "thank you" to our helpers was a great success. A number of employers contributed lucky draw prizes, others altered their helper's day off so they could attend, and still others themselves showed up to join the party. We have never claimed to have HK best helpers, (even though we have some excellent workers) but we are sure we have the best employers in all of Hong Kong, as we say in the US: "no contest". Here are some highlight

Arrow 2nd Annual Anniversary Party

Allan Smith

Allan Smith is the owner of Arrow Employment Services in Hong Kong. Hiring a helper from another country and culture is difficult and misunderstandings are common. Our goal is to help you “find and keep a good helper”. If you are looking for work, our goal is to “help you find and keep a good job”. We help you navigate the often difficult employer - employee relationship.

Chinese New Year Retreat for Helpers


Maid abuse draws 18-year sentence (Al Jezeera News)