施牧師將會去美國,但Arrow依然照常運作!Allan is going to the States, but Arrow is still open for business

我(施牧師)將會在7月12至8月4日(三星期)到美國探望我的父母。麥小姐和我的太太(Ione)會確保公司一切營運正常。如果您希望跟我洽談關於家傭的事,請於本星期與我聯絡。您也可透過電郵Allan@arrowes.hk、yahoo! messenger(Yahoo ID: allan.arrow)、或者skype (ID: ncdcoach)和我聯絡。我們可以透過網上視像會議進行面試。基於香港和美國的時差大約是15-16小時,請勿在中午時份致電給我,因我將在睡夢之中!

I (Allan) will be in the States for 3 weeks (July 12- August 4) visiting my parents. Miss Mak and my wife, Ione will keep things running smoothy at Arrow. If you desperately want to talk to me about a helper, talk to me this week. I'll also be available via email (Allan@arrowes.hk) and you can also contact me via Yahoo! messenger  (Yahoo ID: allan.arrow) or Skype (ID: ncdcoach). We can even do conference call interviews through the internet. The time in the US is 15-16 hours behind us, so please don't call in the middle of the day, HK time. I'll be asleep. 

Allan Smith

Allan Smith is the owner of Arrow Employment Services in Hong Kong. Hiring a helper from another country and culture is difficult and misunderstandings are common. Our goal is to help you “find and keep a good helper”. If you are looking for work, our goal is to “help you find and keep a good job”. We help you navigate the often difficult employer - employee relationship.


家傭的人工增加 Salary Increase for Domestic Helpers


2nd Annual OFW Appreciation Day