Environmental Training would help

I'm a happy employer, and I'm very happy that Arrowes does training classes on various topics for helpers from time to time.

I do have a suggestion.  I think it'd be very beneficial if you guys can conduct a few trainings/talks on the environment.  My experience (and I've asked a lot of other employers) is that helpers don't understand conservation.  When it comes to water, detergent, and plastic, they just are so wasteful.  I think it's about awareness and when employers communicate it they often think of it as petty or they might think it makes their job a lot easier if they turn the tap all the way or use a lot of detergent.  Again this is my observation and if you guys can educate our helpers on this topic it would be great.   (Name withheld)

Allan Smith

Allan Smith is the owner of Arrow Employment Services in Hong Kong. Hiring a helper from another country and culture is difficult and misunderstandings are common. Our goal is to help you “find and keep a good helper”. If you are looking for work, our goal is to “help you find and keep a good job”. We help you navigate the often difficult employer - employee relationship.


Thanks for teaching money management


Thanks for the TLC