I’m American. I like the word “whatever”, especially when used sarcastically and meaning “OK, do what you want, you’re going to do that anyway” - whatever!
I like Paul’s use of the word “whatever” even more. He says
Finally, brothers (and sisters) , whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (Paul, the apostle)
Think about WHATEVER is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellence, worthy of praise, etc. etc. etc. WHATEVER can include ANYTHING… Think about good and positive things. I added https://www.thebrighterside.news/ to my morning news feed, and it brings me the latest in scientific breakthroughs, etc. Left on my own I will focus on the latest political scandal, war, ecological disaster, etc. I appreciate the reminder that there is excellence, beauty, justice, and wonder in the world. WHATEVER ins not just about big things, it’s about anything commendable. WHATEVER is widely inclusive:
a tasty meal
a clean home
a good effort on homework
the latest scientific breakthrough
a gorgeous sunset
The people around you, including your helpers, are wonder-FULL people. Find something commendable or praiseworthy, notice excellence, kindness, etc. If you remember, let them know that you noticed, but even if you forget to mention it, noticing that moment of beauty will make your day better.
And if you don’t like my idea, well - WHATEVER. :-)