Aiza Mae Gumapac


Age: 34  YOB: 1990

Family: Single Parent Children: 2 (14&8y.o)
Height: 154 cm. Weight: 143 lbs.
Education: 1-2 years of university
Experience: Middle East
Suitable for: childcare, petcare

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Age: 34  YOB: 1990

Family: Single Parent Children: 2 (14&8y.o)
Height: 154 cm. Weight: 143 lbs.
Education: 1-2 years of university
Experience: Middle East
Suitable for: childcare, petcare

Age: 34  YOB: 1990

Family: Single Parent Children: 2 (14&8y.o)
Height: 154 cm. Weight: 143 lbs.
Education: 1-2 years of university
Experience: Middle East
Suitable for: childcare, petcare

Aiza Mae Gumapac is a single parent of 2 boys: 14, 8 y.o. Her parents care for the children so she can work abroad.  She has 1 brother and 3 sisters. She is the eldest in the family.

She completed 1 year of university only. She speaks English well.

Feb 4, 2020 - May 17, 2023: She worked in Qatar for a couple with a 1 y.o. daughter. Her main daily duties included caring for the little girl, cleaning the house, doing the laundry, and ironing. Their apartment was part of a larger family compound and the cooking was done by an Indonesian employed by another family member.  She was sole helper for this couple and their daughter.

Medical: pending

Location: Mindanao, Davao City

Passport: 2029 Oct

Reference: friend, Amie

Newborn Care Experience: own son

Elder Care: no

Pets: loves animals

Vaccination: 2 doses