⭐💚Annaliza Cuizon


Age: 33  YOB: 1991
Family: Married; Children: 1- 11yrs old
Height: 5"0 Weight: 56kls.

Education: University 4 year degree holder
Experience: Singapore

Suitable for: childcare,

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Age: 33  YOB: 1991
Family: Married; Children: 1- 11yrs old
Height: 5"0 Weight: 56kls.

Education: University 4 year degree holder
Experience: Singapore

Suitable for: childcare,

Age: 33  YOB: 1991
Family: Married; Children: 1- 11yrs old
Height: 5"0 Weight: 56kls.

Education: University 4 year degree holder
Experience: Singapore

Suitable for: childcare,

Annaliza Cuizon is a 33 y.o. married mother of an 11 y.o. girl. Her husband and his mother take care of their daughter so she can work abroad. She has 3 brothers and 1 sister. She is 2/5 siblings.

She is a university graduate with a BS in Elementary Education. She speaks English well.

March 12, 2019 - Feb 5, 2021: She worked in Singapore for a working couple with a 1.5 y.o. boy. Her duties included cleaning, laundry, ironing, marketing, and cooking. She got the baby up and helped him get ready for kindergarten. She prepared his breakfast and took him to school and back. She cared for during the day, played with him, and did the bedtime routine for him. She read him stories at night.  She finished her contract.

Her grandmother is bedridden and she helps care for her, bathing her, feeding her, changing diapers, etc.

Medical: FTW

Location: Zambanga Del Norte, Manila  

Passport: 2028 Oct

Reference: cousin,

Newborn Care Experience: own child

Elder Care: her grandmother,

Pets: cat and dog at home

Vaccination:  2 doses