Honey Mae Bacolod


Age: 39  YOB: 1985
Family: Single Parent Children: 1 (17 y.o. son)
Height: 4'11 Weight: 43kg
Education: Vocation Training
Experience: Middle East , Malaysia
Suitable for: children

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Age: 39  YOB: 1985
Family: Single Parent Children: 1 (17 y.o. son)
Height: 4'11 Weight: 43kg
Education: Vocation Training
Experience: Middle East , Malaysia
Suitable for: children

Age: 39  YOB: 1985
Family: Single Parent Children: 1 (17 y.o. son)
Height: 4'11 Weight: 43kg
Education: Vocation Training
Experience: Middle East , Malaysia
Suitable for: children

Honey Mae Bacolod is a 39 y.o. single parent of a 17 y.o. son. She has 1 brother and 3 sisters. She is 3/5 siblings.

She studied Hotel Restaurant Technology as a vocational course, but was not able to complete the training. She speaks English well.

2019 - 2024: She has worked part time jobs only.

Nov 2017 - March 2019: She worked in Malaysia for a Chinese couple with 2 kids: 9, 12 y.o. A-Mah also lived with them. Her duties focused on cleaning, laundry, ironing, sending the 9 y.o. to school. She also assisted A-mah to cook, but Mahma did most of the cooking. She terminated her contract early when her father passed away in March of 2019.

2015-2017: She worked in Qatar for a working couple with 2 boys: 4, 1 y.o. Her duties focused on taking care of the children, housework, laundry, ironing, and cooking. She got the 4 year old boy to school and fetched him back daily. She dropped the 1 year old boy at nursery and the Madam picked him up. The madam did the cooking or bought outside food. She finished her contract and was the only helper.

Medical: pending

Location: Manila, Mindanao

Passport: 2030

Reference: Helperplace

Newborn Care Experience: own child

Elder Care: no

Pets: ok
