⭐Janice Chan


Age: 41  YOB: 1983
Family: Single Parent Children: 3 (23/20/16)
Height: 155cm Weight: 53kg

Education: Vocation Training
Experience: Middle East

Suitable for: children, cooking

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Age: 41  YOB: 1983
Family: Single Parent Children: 3 (23/20/16)
Height: 155cm Weight: 53kg

Education: Vocation Training
Experience: Middle East

Suitable for: children, cooking

Age: 41  YOB: 1983
Family: Single Parent Children: 3 (23/20/16)
Height: 155cm Weight: 53kg

Education: Vocation Training
Experience: Middle East

Suitable for: children, cooking

Janice Chan is a 41 y.o. single mother of 3 kids: 23, 20, 16 y.o. She has 1 brother and 2 sisters. She is 3/4 siblings.

She completed 1 year of university in business and speaks English well. She also completed vocational training in computer technology.

She currently works as a factory worker in an electronics company.

July 6, 2021 - May 21, 2023: She worked in Kuwait for a couple with 5 kids: 17, 14, 13, 4, 1 y.o. She had 2 co-workers. Janice's duties focused on cooking, housework, and helping care for the 2 youngest children: (1, 4 y.o.) Her co-workers did housework, laundry and also childcare.  The 1 year baby couldn't walk or talk when she arrived, so she spend a lot of time focusing on him and teaching him to walk and talk. She left a little early to attend to some family business. She is still in touch with the family.

2013 - 2020: She worked in Taiwan as a factory worker in a semi-conductor company.  She can speak some basic Mandarin.

Medical: FTW

Location: Zambales

Passport: 2030

Reference: friend

Newborn Care Experience: 1 year old

Elder Care: no

Pets: dogs and cats at home

Vaccination: 3 doses