Jovelyn Carsola


Age: 34  YOB: 1990
Family: Single Parent Children: 2 (10 ,12 years old)
Height: 4'11" Weight: 49Kg
Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Middle East
Suitable for: children

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Age: 34  YOB: 1990
Family: Single Parent Children: 2 (10 ,12 years old)
Height: 4'11" Weight: 49Kg
Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Middle East
Suitable for: children

Age: 34  YOB: 1990
Family: Single Parent Children: 2 (10 ,12 years old)
Height: 4'11" Weight: 49Kg
Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Middle East
Suitable for: children

Jovelyn Carsola is a 34 y.o. single parent of 2 boys: 10, 12 y.o. She has one sister (older) only. Her sister will help care for her kids while she works overseas.

She is a high school graduate and speaks English well.

Oct 24, 2021 - May 20, 2024: She worked in Saudi Arabia for a couple with 3 kids: 9g, 12b, 17b. Her duties included housework, laundry, and ironing. Her sole focus was on housework. The madam did the cooking and childcare. She finished her contract and was the only helper.

Feb 7, 2019 - Feb 7, 2020: She worked in Kuwait for a family of 6 adults. She did housework, laundry, and ironing. The family had a chef who did the cooking. She went home when her father passed away. Afterwards there was a travel ban and she couldn't return.

Medical: pending

Location: Abra,

Passport: 2028

Reference: relative

Newborn Care Experience: own kids

Elder Care: no

Pets: dogs and cats at home, pet lover

Vaccination: 2 doses