⭐Judy Ann Balisi


Age: 24  YOB: 1999
Family: Single Children: 0
Height: 5'3 Weight: 47kg

Education: 1-2 years of university
Filipino Caregiver ​
Suitable for: Eldercare, childcare, newborn care

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Age: 24  YOB: 1999
Family: Single Children: 0
Height: 5'3 Weight: 47kg

Education: 1-2 years of university
Filipino Caregiver ​
Suitable for: Eldercare, childcare, newborn care

Age: 24  YOB: 1999
Family: Single Children: 0
Height: 5'3 Weight: 47kg

Education: 1-2 years of university
Filipino Caregiver ​
Suitable for: Eldercare, childcare, newborn care

Judy Ann Balisi is a 24 y.o. single woman with no kids. She has 1 sister and 5 brothers. She is the eldest in the family.

She completed a 2 year Caregiving Vocational degree and speaks English well.

Nov 2022 - April 30, 2024: She was working as a private Caregiver in the Philippines for an 70 y.o. Chinese woman who suffered from a fractured left arm. She also suffered from hypertension and diabetes. Judy assisted her to bathe, dress, and fed her her meals. She gave her medicines on a daily basis. She accompanied her on doctor visits and for physical therapy. When Judy began working for her the woman was confined to a hospital. After 2 months she moved into a hotel because her home was being renovated. Judy resigned because she wants to work overseas.

2020 -2021: During the pandemic she worked as a babysitter for a 3 month old baby girl. She did infantcare, feeding, changing diapers, bathing her etc. When the baby was sleeping she did some cleaning, and washed the baby's things.

Medical: pending

Location: Tuguegarao City

Passport: 2034 May

Reference: Nely

Newborn Care Experience: yes

Elder Care: yes

Pets: dog at home

Vaccination: 3 doses