Kenneth Joy Molina


Age: 40  YOB: 1984
Family: Single Parent Children: 3
Height: 5'5" Weight: 59

Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Singapore

Suitable for: childcare, eldercare

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Age: 40  YOB: 1984
Family: Single Parent Children: 3
Height: 5'5" Weight: 59

Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Singapore

Suitable for: childcare, eldercare

Age: 40  YOB: 1984
Family: Single Parent Children: 3
Height: 5'5" Weight: 59

Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Singapore

Suitable for: childcare, eldercare

Kenneth Joy is a 40 y.o. single parent of 3 kids: 20, 17, 11 y.o. Her mother and grandmother help with the kids. She has 3 brothers and 1 sister. She is 1/5 siblings.

She is a high school graduation and speaks English well.

April 5, 2022 - March 5, 2024: She worked in Singapore as a caregiver for an 8 y.o. boy who suffered from Cerebral Palsy. Her duties included waking up at 5 a.m. to give him medicine at 5 a.m., 6 a.m. and 6 other times. She took him to school and stayed with him until 5 p.m. She fed him, took him to the doctors, bathed and gave constant care. She slept in the same room with him. The parents have another child 3 months old baby girl who was cared for by the mom with help from Joy. Joy was the only helper for this family. She finished her contract, but did not renew because the family needed to save money bc the madam was diagnosed with cancer. The boy was placed in a nursing facility.

2010 - 2012: She worked in Singapore caring for a 68 y.o. woman who suffered from Alzheimer's disease. Joy gave her meds, took her for a walk, escorted her to check ups, prepared her meals, helped her bathe. She also did the housework and laundry. She finished her contract.

Medical: pending

Location: Cagayan Valley

Passport: 2032

Reference:  friend

Newborn Care Experience: Singapore

Elder Care: CP patient, Singapore elderly

Pets: dogs at home

Vaccination: 2 doses