💚⭐Marietta Laigo


Age: 38; DOB: 1985
Family: Married Children: 2, (14,19 y.o.)
Height: 153 cm Weight: 58 kg

Education: 1-2 years of university
Experience: Middle East

Suitable for: eldercare, childcare

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Age: 38; DOB: 1985
Family: Married Children: 2, (14,19 y.o.)
Height: 153 cm Weight: 58 kg

Education: 1-2 years of university
Experience: Middle East

Suitable for: eldercare, childcare

Age: 38; DOB: 1985
Family: Married Children: 2, (14,19 y.o.)
Height: 153 cm Weight: 58 kg

Education: 1-2 years of university
Experience: Middle East

Suitable for: eldercare, childcare

Marietta Laigo is a 38 y.o. married mother of 2 kids: boy 14, girl 19 y.o. She has 3 brothers and  sisters. She is 5/7 siblings.

She has completed 2 years of university level studies and speaks English well.

April 2, 2022 - May 6, 2024: She worked in the Kingdom of Jordan for a couple with 7 kids: 16, 14, 12, 11, 10, 6, 2 y.o. Her duties included cleaning the whole house: 5 bedrooms with 5 baths, 2 living rooms, doing all the laundry, ironing, helping with childcare. The madam was a stay at home mom. She also did the cooking. She finished her contract and was the ONLY helper for this big family.

2012 -2018: She worked in the Philippines as caregiver for a 55 y.o. disabled lady. She was wheel chair bound. Marietta did the cooking, cleaning, laundry, and assisted her boss when bathing and getting dressed. She finished her contracts.  

Medical: FTW

Location: La Union

Passport: 2030 June

Reference: friend

Newborn Care Experience: her own child

Elder Care: yes

Pets: OK, at home

Vaccination: 4 doses