Mariflor Toscano


Age: 45  YOB: 1979
Family: Single Parent Children: 1 son,( 14)
Height: 4'11" Weight: 47 kg
Education: university grad
Experience: Hong Kong, Singapore, Middle East
Suitable for: eldercare, childcare, petcare

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Age: 45  YOB: 1979
Family: Single Parent Children: 1 son,( 14)
Height: 4'11" Weight: 47 kg
Education: university grad
Experience: Hong Kong, Singapore, Middle East
Suitable for: eldercare, childcare, petcare

Age: 45  YOB: 1979
Family: Single Parent Children: 1 son,( 14)
Height: 4'11" Weight: 47 kg
Education: university grad
Experience: Hong Kong, Singapore, Middle East
Suitable for: eldercare, childcare, petcare

Mariflor is a 45 y.o. single parent of a 14 y.o. son. Her parents care for her son so that she can work in HK. She has 1 sister and 3 brothers. She is 1/5 siblings.

She is a university graduate with a BS in Nursing. She speaks English well.

Feb 2023 - Sep 30, 2024: She is working in HK (Kowloon Tong) as a helper for 3 adults: 70, 75 and 48. They have a 5000 sf 2 storey house. Her duties focused on caring for the 75 y.o. male boss. He needed assistance in walking, going to the bathroom. She prepared his meals, gave him his medicine. She also did the housework, laundry, ironing, marketing, and cooking. She has a co-worker who does most of the cooking, and shares the housework duties. The elderly Sir passed away last Oct 2023. They have decided to release her and are keeping the other helper, who has worked longer than Mariflor. The family is moving into a smaller house.

Feb 5, 2021 - Feb 5, 2023: She worked in Mid-levels for a family of 4 adults. Her duties included housework, marketing, laundry, ironing, and cooking. She had a co-worker who focused more on cooking, and helped with cleaning.  She also cared for 2 dogs. Their daughter married and moved to Hawaii so they did not need 2 helpers anymore.

2016 - 2018: She worked in Singapore for an elderly couple. Their grandchildren, ages 2 & 4, came over every day. Mariflor took care of them during the daytime and their parents picked them up at night and took them home. She also did housework, laundry, ironing, and cooking.  She went back to the Philippines to try an online business but then the pandemic hit.

2013 - 2015: She worked in HK (Taiwai) for a working couple with a 10 y.o. son. Her duties included childcare, sending the boy to school. The madam stayed in China and the Sir was in the USA. The son stayed in Taiwai M-F, then went to China on the weekends to be with his mother. Mariflor did the housework, laundry, ironing, marketing, and cooking. The family relocated to the USA.

2010 - 2012: She worked in the Middle East (Jordan) in a cleaning company. She cleaned offices, private homes, etc. She finished her contract.

2007-2010: She worked in Dubai for a cleaning company, servicing offices, private homes, and businesses..

2001-2006: She worked in Taiwan in a nursing home. She cared for patients, changing diapers, giving them bathes, feeding them, taking vitals, giving meds, exercising, etc.

Medical: pending

Location: Hong Kong, Leyte

Passport: 2030 Jan

Reference: Helperplace

Newborn Care Experience: no

Elder Care: yes

Pets: ok

Vaccination: 3 doses