Marissa Lumpas


Age: 34  YOB: 1990
Family: Married, Children: 3 (14,10,4)
Height: 5'3 Weight: 54
Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Middle East , Hong Kong
Suitable for: newborn, children, petcare

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Age: 34  YOB: 1990
Family: Married, Children: 3 (14,10,4)
Height: 5'3 Weight: 54
Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Middle East , Hong Kong
Suitable for: newborn, children, petcare

Age: 34  YOB: 1990
Family: Married, Children: 3 (14,10,4)
Height: 5'3 Weight: 54
Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Middle East , Hong Kong
Suitable for: newborn, children, petcare

Marissa Lumpas is a 34 y.o. married mother of 3 kids:  14, 10, 4 y.o. Her husband and parents care for the kids while she works abroad. She has 2 brothers. She is 2/3 siblings.

She is a high school graduate and speaks English well.

April 23, 2022 - Dec 13, 2023: She worked in HK (N. Point) for a working couple with 3 boys: 4 year old, 1 month old twin boys. Her duties included caring for the twins, feeding them, changing diapers, bathing them, doing housework, laundry, ironing, and some gardening. They also had 2 small dogs. She shared the duties with a co-worker. The 4 year old was in school during the day. They got the 4 year old off to school, then cared for the babies and did the housework. Her employer moved to China and the job ended. She had a job lined up but her husband asked her to stay longer in the Philippines so she contacted her new employer to tell them she couldn't come back. Her whole family supports her to return to HK and work now.

Jan 2016 - Jan 2018: She worked in Kuwait for a couple with 2 kids: 3, 1 y.o. Her duties focused on the housework, laundry, ironing, taking care of the children, gardening, and simple cooking. They had a cook from India who did most of the cooking. She finished her contract. She did not renew because they habitually paid her up to 2 weeks late, and the salary was not enough for her family.

Medical: pending

Location: Manila, Leyte

Passport: 2029 June

Reference: friend, Dyline Cabia

Newborn Care Experience: yes

Elder Care: no

Pets: dogs

Vaccination: 4 doses