⭐Marivel Amaba


Age: 34  YOB: 1989
Family: Single Children: 2(10, 14)
Height: 5'2 Weight: 43kg

Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Middle East

Suitable for: children

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Age: 34  YOB: 1989
Family: Single Children: 2(10, 14)
Height: 5'2 Weight: 43kg

Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Middle East

Suitable for: children

Age: 34  YOB: 1989
Family: Single Children: 2(10, 14)
Height: 5'2 Weight: 43kg

Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Middle East

Suitable for: children

Marivel Amaba is a 34 y.o.  married mother of 2 kids: 14, 10 y.o.  Her mother lives with her and will care for the children if she works overseas. She is the eldest of 4 siblings.

She is a high school graduate and speaks English well.

April 2023 - Feb 2024: She worked in the Philippines as a room attendant at Omega Pension House Hotel. Her duties focused on room cleaning and cleaning the lobby and parking lot. M-F, 8 hours a day. She completed 2 5-month contracts.

2021 - 2023: She was a full time housewife and mother.

2019 - 2021: She worked in Dubai as a domestic helper for a couple with 3 kids: 7, 5, 2 y.o. Her duties focused on being the nanny for the oldest child. There were 2 other nannies who cared for the younger children, and a full time chef. All of the nannies worked together to do the housework, laundry and ironing. The house had 5 bedrooms, 2 storey house. She finished her contract.

When her grandmother was ill she help care for her. She needed assistance walking, eating, bathing, toileting, etc.

Medical: FTW

Location: Mindanao

Passport: 2029

Reference: sister in law

Newborn Care Experience: no

Elder Care: her grandmother

Pets: many at home

Vaccination: 2 doses