⭐Merryluz Bustillos


Age: 34  YOB: 1988
Family: Single Parent Children: 5 (17,14,13,12,7)
Height: 5.2 Weight: 62

Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Middle East

Suitable for: petcare, newborn care, cleaning

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Age: 34  YOB: 1988
Family: Single Parent Children: 5 (17,14,13,12,7)
Height: 5.2 Weight: 62

Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Middle East

Suitable for: petcare, newborn care, cleaning

Age: 34  YOB: 1988
Family: Single Parent Children: 5 (17,14,13,12,7)
Height: 5.2 Weight: 62

Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Middle East

Suitable for: petcare, newborn care, cleaning

Merryluz is a 34 y.o. single parent of 5 kids: 17, 14, 13, 12, 7 years old. Her mother and father and sister take care of the children while she works abroad. She is 3/4 siblings.

She is a high school graduate and speaks English well.

Nov 2018 - April 2020: She worked in Abu Dhabi for a couple with a 17 y.o. daughter. Her duties included housework, laundry, ironing, and accompanying and serving the 17 y.o. daughter. She also washed the car. They had a dedicated cook. The employer returned to Oman so the job ended.

May 2020 - Dec 2023: She worked in Dubai for 2 cleaning companies serving private homes and offices. She worked 8 hours for the cleaning country. She also worked part-time for families 4 hours a day. She took care of a 2 month old baby girl for 5 months.  She also took care of a Pitbull for 7 months, feeding it, walked it for exercise, and played with it. This was a daytime job and she lived in a rented room.

Medical: FTW

Location: Tarlac City

Passport: 2034

Reference: sister is Arrow Lady

Newborn Care Experience: yes

Elder Care: no

Pets: pitbull

Vaccination: not yet