Michelle Rabot


Michelle Rabot  (available for in person interview until Aug 2, 2024)

Age: 36  YOB:  1988
Family: Married or Long Term Partner Children: 15,12,6
Education: High School Graduate
Experience:Middle East, Hong Kong
Suitable for:
newborn, children,

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Michelle Rabot  (available for in person interview until Aug 2, 2024)

Age: 36  YOB:  1988
Family: Married or Long Term Partner Children: 15,12,6
Education: High School Graduate
Experience:Middle East, Hong Kong
Suitable for:
newborn, children,

Michelle Rabot  (available for in person interview until Aug 2, 2024)

Age: 36  YOB:  1988
Family: Married or Long Term Partner Children: 15,12,6
Education: High School Graduate
Experience:Middle East, Hong Kong
Suitable for:
newborn, children,

NOTES: Michelle Rabot is a 36 y.o. married mother of 3 kids: 14, 10, 4 y.o. She has 3 sisters and is 4/4 siblings.

She is a high school graduate and speaks English well.

Feb. 20, 2024 - July 19, 2024: She worked in HK Shatin for a couple with 3 kids: 12 y.o. daughters, and 5 y.o. boy. Her duties included taking care of the 5 y.o., getting him ready and off to school, picking him up from school, taking him to activities, doing the housework, marketing, and cooking. The wife as a stay at home mom, and did not speak any English. All communications went through Google translate. The wife told Arrow, that she spent too much time being a "computer inputer" and got very tired. She regularly sent Chinese messages to her helper, who used Google translate to understand instructions, but Google also sometimes gave bad translations. The madam decided to have her mom come and live with her until she can find a helper fluent in Chinese. Michelle is available to interview in person until August 2, 2024.

Nov 2021 - July 16, 2023: She worked in Qatar for a couple with 4 kids: university and high school age. Her duties focused on housework, laundry, and ironing. Another helper did all the cooking and kitchen management. The family was taking a 6 month long vacation, so they gave her the option of finishing early.

Medical: Fit to Work
Location: Cagayan Valley
Passport: 2031
Reference: niece
Newborn Care Experience: her own kids
Elder Care: no
Pets: 1 cat in Qatar
Vaccination: 2 doses