Maria Relyn Gimotea


Age: 47  YOB: 1976
Family: Married;  Children: 3 (23, 21, 14)
Height: 153 cm Weight: 60 kg.
Education: 1-2 years of university
Experience: Singapore, Hong Kong
Suitable for: newborn, children, petcare

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Age: 47  YOB: 1976
Family: Married;  Children: 3 (23, 21, 14)
Height: 153 cm Weight: 60 kg.
Education: 1-2 years of university
Experience: Singapore, Hong Kong
Suitable for: newborn, children, petcare

Age: 47  YOB: 1976
Family: Married;  Children: 3 (23, 21, 14)
Height: 153 cm Weight: 60 kg.
Education: 1-2 years of university
Experience: Singapore, Hong Kong
Suitable for: newborn, children, petcare

NOTES: Relyn Gimotea is a 47 y.o. married mother of 3 kids: 23, 21, 14 y.o. She has 2 brothers and 5 sisters. She is 2/8 siblings.

She completed 2 years of univ level and speaks English well.

Oct 17, 2019 - Sep 30, 2024: She is working in HK (Sheung Wan) for a working couple with 2 kids: 5, 2 y.o. She has cared for the youngest child since birth. Her duties include preparing breakfast and helping the older boy get ready and off to school. The parents drop the older bus at school, and she cares for the younger boy, getting him fed and ready for school. She takes the youngest to school at 10 and brings him home at 12. She feeds the youngest lunch, puts him down for a nap then does the housework. She picks up the older boy around 4:30 p.m. She returns home, showers the kids, reads them books, helps with homework, feeds them, and puts the youngest to bed at 8:30 p.m. Then she gets the older child ready for bed and he sleeps around 9:30 p.m. Then she does more chores and finishes around 10 p.m. She shares a room with both of the children. Her madam told her that the her parents will move in and take care of the children, so they won't be able to allow her to work until the end of her contract period: October 2025.

2012 - 2018: She worked in Tai Hang (HK) for a working couple with 2 kids: newborn - 6 y.o. girl. Two years later her madam gave birth to the 2nd child. She did all the housework, childcare, housework, laundry, ironing, marketing and cooking. She finished 3 contracts, but didn't renew because the kids were older and the Sir was going to work from home.

2007 - 2009: She worked in Singapore for a single lady with a 1 year old boy. Her mother, her sister and younger brother also lived with them. Relyn did childcare, housework, laundry, ironing, marketing, and cooking. The madam only paid her every 3 months so she did not renew. Grandma did most of the cooking.