⭐Rosalyn Banatao


Age: 31  YOB:  1992
Family: Married  Children: 2 (12, 10)
Height: 5 Weight: 51

Education: High School Graduate
Experience: First timer

Suitable for: children, petcare

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Age: 31  YOB:  1992
Family: Married  Children: 2 (12, 10)
Height: 5 Weight: 51

Education: High School Graduate
Experience: First timer

Suitable for: children, petcare

Age: 31  YOB:  1992
Family: Married  Children: 2 (12, 10)
Height: 5 Weight: 51

Education: High School Graduate
Experience: First timer

Suitable for: children, petcare

Rosalyn Banatao is a 31 married mother of 2 kids: 12 & 10 y.o. Her husband and her parents. She has 7 brothers and 1 sisters. She is 8/9 siblings.

She is a high school graduate and speaks English well.

April 2020 - May 25, 2022: She worked in the Philippines for a couple with a 3 year old girl. When she started the child was 1 year old. Her duties included childcare, housework, laundry, ironing, gardening, marketing, and cooking.

Medical: FTW

Location: Tuguegarao City

Passport: 2034 March

Reference: Nely Reclusado

Newborn Care Experience:  own kids

Elder Care: her grandparents

Pets: loves dogs and cats

Vaccination: 3 doses