Rosana Alcos


Age: 36  YOB: 1988
Family: Married : 3 (16, 15, 13)
Height: 4'11 Weight: 68kg

Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Middle East

Suitable for: newborn, childcare,

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Age: 36  YOB: 1988
Family: Married : 3 (16, 15, 13)
Height: 4'11 Weight: 68kg

Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Middle East

Suitable for: newborn, childcare,

Age: 36  YOB: 1988
Family: Married : 3 (16, 15, 13)
Height: 4'11 Weight: 68kg

Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Middle East

Suitable for: newborn, childcare,

Rosana Alcos is a 36 y.o. married mother of 3 kids: 16, 15, 13 y.o. Her sister lives next door and will care for the children. She is 14/15 siblings.

She is a high school graduate and speaks English well.

She is currently a cashier at a fast food restaurant.

Feb 18, 2020 - Aug 8, 2022: She worked in UAE for a couple with 5 kids: 12 twins b/g, 10b, 7 y.o. boy, and 2 months old baby girl. Her duties included caring for the children, especially the newborn. She got the older kids ready and off to school. She did the housework, laundry, ironing, washed the car, cleaned the outside area, and did some cooking. The other helper shared the load fairly equally because the house was large (4 bedrooms, 6 baths) . She finished her contract and extended to help the employer.

Medical: pending

Location: Cebu

Passport: 2029 November

Reference: Google Search

Newborn Care Experience: yes

Elder Care: her own father, age 78

Pets: dogs at home

Vaccination: 3 doses