⭐Rovelyn B.
Age: 41 YOB:1983
Family: Married Children: 1 (10)
Height: 4'11 Weight: 48kls
Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Middle East , Singapore
Suitable for: children,
Age: 41 YOB:1983
Family: Married Children: 1 (10)
Height: 4'11 Weight: 48kls
Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Middle East , Singapore
Suitable for: children,
Age: 41 YOB:1983
Family: Married Children: 1 (10)
Height: 4'11 Weight: 48kls
Education: High School Graduate
Experience: Middle East , Singapore
Suitable for: children,
Rovelyn is 41 y.o. married mother of a 10 y.o. girl. Her husband & her parents care for her daughter when she goes abroad. She has 6 sisters and 1 brother. She is 5/8 siblings.
She is a high school graduate and speaks English well.
2019- present: She stayed in the Philippines during the pandemic.
April 2017 - April 2019: She worked in Singapore for a working couple with a 5 y.o. girl. Her duties included housecleaning, laundry, ironing, and childcare. She got the child ready for school and sometimes took the child to school. She also did the marketing and cooking. She cooked the evening meal for the family every day. She finished the contract and was the only helper.
2014: She got married in the Philippines and started her family.
2012 - 2014: She worked in Singapore for a couple with 2 kids: 18, 21 y.o. Her duties focused on housework, laundry, ironing, marketing with her employer and cooking. She finished her contract.
2007 - 2011: She worked in Singapore for a couple with a 8 year old son. Her duties included getting the child fed and ready for school. She then did the housework, laundry, ironing, and cooking. She finished 2 contracts and was the only worker.
2004 - 2006: She worked in Kuwait for a couple with a 1.5 y.o. boy. Her duties included housework, laundry, ironing, and cooking. She bathed the child in the morning and cared for the boy until 11 a.m. The madam left the house at 4:30 a.m. and was back at 11 a.m. After the madam got off work, Rovelyn focused on the housework. She was the only helper and finished her contract.
Medical: FTW
Location: Luzon, Pangasinan
Reference: friend or relative
Experience: children, cooking
Vaccination: 3 doses