⭐Suzette Cabauatan


Age: 31  YOB: 1992
Family: Married Children: 2 (13, 5)
Height: 5'2 Weight: 64

Education: High School Graduate
Experience: First timer

Suitable for: children,

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Age: 31  YOB: 1992
Family: Married Children: 2 (13, 5)
Height: 5'2 Weight: 64

Education: High School Graduate
Experience: First timer

Suitable for: children,

Age: 31  YOB: 1992
Family: Married Children: 2 (13, 5)
Height: 5'2 Weight: 64

Education: High School Graduate
Experience: First timer

Suitable for: children,

Suzette Cabauatan is a 31 y.o. married mother of 2 sons: 13, 5 y.o. Her husband and her parents care for the boys so she can work abroad. She has 1 older sister only.

She is a high school graduate and speaks English well.

2017 -present: She is a full time housewife, mother and farmer. She plants and harvests rice and corn. She also takes care of a Caribao and a cow. Most of her domestic experience is from her own family. Her workday starts at 5 a.m. and she sleeps around 8 p.m.

April 2015 - April 2017: She worked as a helper in the Philippines for a couple with 2 kids: 4, 5 y.o. The husband was a stay at home. Her duties included housework, laundry, marketing, and cooking. She took care of the 2 kids. She played with them and took care of them. They also had one dog. She bathed it and fed it.

Before her grandmother passed away in 2008 she lived with Suzette who cared for her. She suffered from heart disease.

Medical: FTW

Location: Tuguegerao

Passport: 2034 April

Reference: Nely Reclusado

Newborn Care Experience: own kids

Elder Care: grandmother

Pets: yes

Vaccination: 2 doses