3 things Filipinos wish their employers knew about Filipinos
Before getting into this post I want to say “I would love to do a post entitled “3 things employers wish their Filipino workers understood about Hong Kong people”. If you have some ideas - please leave a comment.
Filipino people wish their HK employers knew how much they value:
Traditional greeting to an elder in the Philippines
Filipino culture is a respectful culture. “Sir”, “Ma’am”, “Po” are words they use in everyday language to address people in the Philippines. They have ritual greetings for the elderly and have a strong desire to honor people. They also expect to be treated with respect, kindness and consideration. Filipinos are shocked and sometimes traumatized when HK people yell at them, scold them, and get angry. They expect to make mistake and they are open to correction, but anger makes them feel like they are under attack.
Work-Life Balance:
Some Hong Kong people live to work. Filipinos definitely “work to live”. They have goals and things they want to accomplish, but they also want to have a life. Filipino workers appreciate employers who recognize the importance of family and personal time. Providing flexible working arrangements and respecting their time off will help you retain your worker for many years.
Filipino believe that life and people should be fair. I think they take this idea too far, e.g., if I help someone out with a money gift (before you ask, “No la!” ) they think I should be willing and able to do it for everyone. “Sorry, life doesn’t work that way”. Helpers, like the rest of us, want to be treated fairly and equitably. They expect to be paid a fair wage for their work, be paid on time, receive their full day off, and to be given the same opportunities and benefits as their colleagues. On their day off they share with others about how their work life is going, and they compare YOU with the employers of their friends. “Wah, you’re so lucky! Your employer is so kind. My employer … “ They want to be able to boast that they have the best employer.
If you treat your helper with respect and fairness and are careful to give her time for work-life balance - then you will be the employer that causes other helpers to exclaim “Wah - you’re boss is so good!”