Help! I'm drowning in Hong Kong!

I'm currently in the Philippines and have recently gone scuba diving! My dive master teaches me that life under water is very different from life on land, and makes sure I will survive my plunge into the ocean depths (well not so deep). I have to learn to breathe, maintain neutral buoyancy, not go too deep, clear my mask, etc. It's a different world down there, and I need to make some major adjustments to enjoy it. 

For Filipinos, working in HK is a bit like scuba diving. She is choosing to live and work in the ocean of Hong Kong culture. Things may seem similar to the Philippines, but they are, in fact, very different.  She is taking a deep dive in a strange ocean.

She needs a new set of skills if she is going to survive.


As an employer of a Filipino cross cultural worker, you are her Dive Master. You need to teach her how to survive and thrive in the strange new environment of your family and culture. If you don't make an effort to help her adjust you may find yourself looking for a new helper every 3 months. That is both expensive and very inconvenient. What can you do?

Send her to our New Arrival Classes

Arrow gives the helpers basic training before they come to HK. We also have follow up classes for helpers after they arrive. If her day off is Saturday or Sunday, tell her to attend the New Arrival Class called Tagumpay.


Attend our Employer Orientation Evening Seminar

 Arrow has an evening seminar (included in the Standard Overseas Hire Package) designed to help you help your worker adjust successfully to life and work in Hong Kong. Your role in your worker's adjustment and long term success is crucial. 

Here is what some recent attendees have said about our Employer Orientation Seminar.

If you want to sign up for our Employer Orientation Seminar, message Kathy Lam.

Allan Smith

Allan Smith is the owner of Arrow Employment Services in Hong Kong. Hiring a helper from another country and culture is difficult and misunderstandings are common. Our goal is to help you “find and keep a good helper”. If you are looking for work, our goal is to “help you find and keep a good job”. We help you navigate the often difficult employer - employee relationship.

3 things Filipinos wish their employers knew about Filipinos


How to prevent helper BURNOUT