We've moved!
We are now officially moved! It is wonderful to have our own place (before we were sharing an office with our mission, WorldVenture). We have relocated to the 8th floor of the same building, the Sunbeam Commercial Building. Drop by and say "hello".
Our new address is:
First Aid Training for parents or helpers
In the United States, accidental injuries are the leading health problem for children 1 to 16 years of age. According to the National Safety Council, injuries cause more deaths among children than all diseases combined and are the leading cause of disability. First Aid can provide temporary assistance until medical care, if needed, is obtained. Proper first aid can also mean the difference between life and death, rapid and slow recovery, or temporary and permanent disability. This 9-hours course is taught by qualified instructors and classes are taught in a relaxed, easy to understand way. Scenario is included in the classes so that you can practice your skills and get yourself prepared in the real situation. Topics covered: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 This course is suitable for parents of children from newborn to 8 years of age. Price HK$1,600
TIPS for Extraordinary Living!
"Vision isn't enough unless combined with venture. It's not enough to stare up the steps unless we also step up the stairs."
"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost. Now put foundations under them."
"Achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful men and women keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit."
Cultural Minefield
When we speak to people from another country and culture, it is probably best to avoid using any kinds of "idioms". I have said things like "Will you quit it?" to my helper and she replied "Are you asking me to resign?" "No I just want you to stop what you are doing now?" "Quit it" means "Stop doing that", not "please resign".
Sometimes a helper is suffering from homesickness and the employer makes things much worse by telling the helper that she has a "black face" or that they don't like looking at her "black face". The Chinese employer is referring to a "stormy demeanor, a sad face", but to the helper's ears this is a "racial slur", an insult. It's like calling a black person a "N*****".
How is using a racial slur going to help someone overcome homesickness?? Of course, after hearing those words, they are going to find the work environment difficult, because they misunderstand and think their employer is a racist.
When people respond to your words in a strange way, it is a good idea, to think about what you said, and how your words might have been misunderstood. Clear up the misunderstandings as soon as you can. With people from two different cultures, both using English as a 2nd language to communicate with each other, there are bound to be many misunderstandings, and hurt feelings. We need to patient and try to hear our words and see our action from the perspective of the other party.
新的精薦家傭現可聘用了! New Arrow Trainees Now Available
我們上一回的訓練已完滿結束了!大部分申請人的資料已被上載到"介紹僱傭Helper Profiles"。我們將於今個星期完成所有的計分程序。有一些女士已被聘用,所以若你對其中一位有興趣,請不要猶疑!馬上與我們聯絡(21511125)或填寫新顧客調查問卷 new customer questionnaire,詢問我們對他們的意見,讓我們為你安排一個會議通話,與他們交談。請登入以下圖片,瀏覽第三天訓練時的照片。
Our last round of training is now finished and most of the trainees data has been posted to our "Helper Profiles" section. We will finish adding all the scores this week. Quite a few ladies have already been hired, so if there is someone you are interested in, don't delay, but instead call us (2151-1125) or fill out a new customer questionnaire, ask us our opinion about them, and let us arrange a conference call to chat with them. Click on the picture below to view some of the photos from Day 3 of our training.
2008-09-26 Rose Princess |
Arrow 迎新日:新申請人 Arrow Orientation: New Candidates
Arrow 迎新日將於九月二十二日至十月三日於菲律賓舉行。我們將會接見超過60位新申請人,並進行面試。我們將不斷更新我們的網頁,請密切留意!我們會提供大量新申請人供您選擇,有些更有在香港和新加坡的工作經驗。我們能為您進行「視像通話面試」,因此您將能看見並親身對您心怡的家傭進行面試。現階段,我們依然有一些優秀的申請人在網頁上仍然待聘。但若然她們不是您的「心水」,您亦可完成Arrow的"問卷調查”。我們會盡我們所能為您挑選適合您的家傭。
September 22 - October 3 we will be conducting Arrow Orientation in the Philippines. We will be orienting and interviewing more than 60 new candidates. We will constantly update our website, so STAY TUNED! We will have many new candidates to choose from, some with experience in Hong Kong and Singapore. We will have the ability to do webcam interviews, so you can see and personally interview potential employees. We still have some very good candidates on our website who have not yet been hired, but if they don't fit your needs, then complete our questionnaire and we will do our best to find you a helper suitable for your needs.
與外傭提前續約 多人漏簽承諾書
(明報)8月12日 星期二 05:10 【明報專訊】
自8月1日當局開始停收兩年外傭徵款起,當局已處理了341宗僱主與外傭提前續約的申請,但入境處 發現,不少僱主與外傭在提交申請時未有同時簽署承諾書,表示雙方願意提前續約,當局提醒若沒有承諾書,有關申請將不獲受理。
申請將不獲受理 入境處昨日提醒,有意申請與外傭提前續約的僱主在遞交提前續約申請時,除指定的證明文件外,必須同時提交已簽署的承諾書,否則有關申請將不獲受理。 今年8月1日推出的安排,即使現有兩年合約期尚未完結,僱主和外傭在雙方同意下可提前終止現有合約,並立刻簽訂一份新僱傭 合約,但其中一個條件是雙方需簽署承諾書,以確保傭工的服務年資不會因提前續約而受影響或削減。市民如有查詢,可致電入境事務處 熱線2824 6111或傳真至2877 7711。 香港僱傭代理協會主席張結民表示,自8月1日起收到不少僱主申請與外傭提早續約,但不少僱主,甚至外傭代理公司其實不太清楚手續,忘記同時遞交已簽署的承諾書,同類個案為數不少,而僱主可參考入境處所提供的承諾書表格(SF/IM/1607),補交有關資料。
提前解約?! 有 關 豁 免 徵 收 僱 員 再 培 訓 徵 款 常 見 問 題! Prematurely terminated contract? FAQs relating to Suspension of Levy for Employment of FDHs!
When Government announced suspending the levy for employment, many troubles and confusions occurred. The following website must help you with this problem!
Read the full text of the press conference: 勞工及福利局局長談暫時豁免僱員再培訓徵款(二)
Should you terminate and rehire your helper to get levy relief?
Dear Friends,
Recent changes in HK government policy regarding the levy have caused great confusion. You may be wondering "should I terminate my contract with my helper and re-sign another contract. Here are some issues you need to consider:
1) Don't make a hasty decision. The government may not be finished changing the levy policy and the procedures.. They did not consider the consequences of what would happen if all the HK people fired and rehired their employees at the same time. Now they are reacting to protests from employers and helpers alike. Don't be in a hurry to make a decision. Wait a week or two because there may be more amendments to the policy.
Under the current law, a DH is not allowed to work unless she is under contract, if you fire your present helper, and she must leave HK, what will you do? The HK policy has not yet made it clear if they will allow a contract worker to stay and work whilst the new contract is processed at IMD (6-8 weeks)
2) Look at your records. When did you last pay the levy? If you recently made a payment, there is NO NEED for rash action. The government is not going to give you a refund, so if you have 3-6 months of levy already paid up, then relax and do your homework before making a decision.
3) Do the math. How much total levy have you paid? If you have paid more than 1 year's worth of the levy, then it might not be worth taking action. The levy for 2 years is $9600. If, for example, you have already paid $4800, you can possibly gain $4800 by terminating and re-signing your helper, BUT WAIT...
$3480 in lieu of 1 month's notice (give 1 mo. notice and save this amount)
$2000 for round trip ticket to the Philippines
$XXXX for the pain and suffering you will have while you wait for her to return (up to 2 months with no helper)
$ 100/month in higher salary x 12 months = $1200/year
$ 800 Arrow agency fee for processing the new contract for terminated helper
4) Think it through. Do you want to keep your helper for another 2 years? Does she want to work for you for another 2 years? Don't take the answer for granted.
5) Talk to your helper. Your helper is probably feeling insecure and frightened. She is wondering if you are going to terminate her to save money. Talk to her about this issue. If you decide to take this step, make the decision jointly, and plan it so that it causes both you and her the least amount of trouble.
If you have any questions please feel free to call us. Since the government policy is still changing, we may not be able to give you firm answers. You may also want to call the Immigration hotline for the latest news.
HK IMD Tel 2824 6111 Fax: 2877 7711
Email: enquiry@immd.gov.hk
Website: http://www.immd.gov.hk/
For complete information on the Government policy on the levy, click here.
At your service,
Allan and Ione Smith
涉摑傷5歲少主 印傭被捕 - 香港文匯報
We know hiring a helper is frightening. Most of them are good, but some of them are not (as the article below points out). At Arrow, we try to reduce the risk of hiring a helper by focusing on character more than experience and job skills. We often say, "housecleaning is not rocket science". Your helper can learn the job quickly if you give her a chance, but if her character is bad, well "江河易改...”
New Hope for Maids
The following article is from the HK Standard. The lesson here is PLEASE DON'T PANIC ABOUT THE LEVY. Wait and see what the final legislation is before taking action. If your helper was scheduled to arrive in August, but you have now put their arrival off until September, this is good news. If the government acts in the next day or two, we will do our best to get your helper here before the start of school.
The Standard - Hong Kong's First FREE English Newspaper
New hope for maids by Beatrice Siu Monday, July 21, 2008
The waiving of the domestic helper levy is likely to start a month early following criticism that the government has left foreign maids in limbo.Secretary for Labour and Welfare Matthew Cheung Kin-chung said yesterday he is optimistic that the levy will be suspended starting August 1 and not September.
The original plan part of the government's inflation-relief package had been criticized for causing employers to rethink renewing contracts to avoid paying the HK$400 a month levy.
Maids whose contracts expire must be reemployed within 14 days or leave the territory.
Cheung said there will be more meetings with the Immigration Department and a decision needing the Executive Council's approval should be reached within a day or two.
Sources said the department has now
extended the 14-day period to ease the situation, with the stipulation
that the maids should not be engaged in work or study in order for them
to stay in Hong Kong.Domestic helpers without contracts have reportedly crowded temporary dormitories.
domestic helper named Dolores said the government did not provide
sufficient information about the waiver, causing chaos among both maids
and employers."Employers have terminated the contracts of about
20 of my friends because of the waiver," said Indonesian Migrant
Workers' Union chairwoman Rosemi.However, according to maids'
organizations, some employers despite terminating contracts will allow
helpers to stay, but without working."They were told to go out during the day and return at night to sleep," Rosemi said.
She said committee members will hold further discussions on the situation, including dialogue with the government.
The September timetable angered employers due to renew contracts as they will not enjoy the inflation-relief measure.
Kong Employers of Domestic Helpers Association chairman Joseph Law
welcomed the government's move, but said an earlier waiver may not
solve the problem.The total HK$9,600 levy for a two- year
contract can be paid in four phases. Under the law, employers have to
pay the first six months, or HK$2,400, in one installment.Law said the government should reimburse employers who have prepaid more than one installment.
Liu Tsui-lan, managing director of Technic Employment Service Centre,
said the concession will not benefit those who have signed contracts.The best way, Liu said, would be to cancel the levy altogether so that all employers will benefit.
last week said that about half of her company's clients had called to
reconsider hiring and some had considered terminating the contract of
their maids.Meanwhile, the Democratic Party in a rally yesterday said the waiver will only benefit the middle class.
Protesters marched from Chater Garden to the central government offices where they submitted a petition.
(星島日報 報道)政府宣布豁免兩年外傭稅措施後,不少外傭被逼要等到九月才續約,代表全港二十五萬名外傭的十個外傭團體,今天召開緊急大會商討對策。有僱傭中心表示,中心所設的宿舍已幾近「爆棚」,擠滿「流離失所」的外傭。
關注外傭組織KOTKIHO發言人MIA指出,今午會召集包括菲傭、印傭、尼泊爾 及泰傭等十個關注團體,就政府九月一日凍結兩年外傭稅措施的連串影響,商討進一步行動,今天有決定後將公布,並要求約見政府有關官員,讓其了解目前外傭的窘境。
家傭的人工增加 Salary Increase for Domestic Helpers
Starting July 10, 2008, the salary for domestic helpers will increase by $100 to $3580. If you signed your contract before midnight on July 9, 2008, the salary is still $3480/month. Any contracts signed after July 9, 2008 will have the new minimum wage.
施牧師將會去美國,但Arrow依然照常運作!Allan is going to the States, but Arrow is still open for business
我(施牧師)將會在7月12至8月4日(三星期)到美國探望我的父母。麥小姐和我的太太(Ione)會確保公司一切營運正常。如果您希望跟我洽談關於家傭的事,請於本星期與我聯絡。您也可透過電郵Allan@arrowes.hk、yahoo! messenger(Yahoo ID: allan.arrow)、或者skype (ID: ncdcoach)和我聯絡。我們可以透過網上視像會議進行面試。基於香港和美國的時差大約是15-16小時,請勿在中午時份致電給我,因我將在睡夢之中!
I (Allan) will be in the States for 3 weeks (July 12- August 4) visiting my parents. Miss Mak and my wife, Ione will keep things running smoothy at Arrow. If you desperately want to talk to me about a helper, talk to me this week. I'll also be available via email (Allan@arrowes.hk) and you can also contact me via Yahoo! messenger (Yahoo ID: allan.arrow) or Skype (ID: ncdcoach). We can even do conference call interviews through the internet. The time in the US is 15-16 hours behind us, so please don't call in the middle of the day, HK time. I'll be asleep.
2nd Annual OFW Appreciation Day
我們現正聯同大約8-10個菲律賓聚會、美國一所大型教會和一些菲律賓教會一同合作,資助一個活動,旨在於服侍和鼓勵一些來港當傭工的人。在29/6、下午3-7時,我們專誠為了這些菲國工人預訂了一艘天星小輪,分兩段時段作維港遊。介時,菲國歌手Christian Bautista 會當埸為大家表演。由於兩次遊覧只可容納約600人,我們會以「憑票入座」形式舉辦活動。所有精薦的家傭和恩禧堂的會友都是我們的對象。因此,如果你是我們精薦的僱主,我們誠懇地希望你能讓你的家傭在當日(29/6,星期日)能遲一點才回家。多謝你的考慮!
We are working together with 8-10 local Filipino congregations, a big American church and churches from the Philippines to sponsor an event aimed at serving and encouraging those who serve Hong Kong families. On June 29th from 3-7 p.m. we have booked 2 Star Ferry harbor cruises for OFWs. A Filipino music star, Christian Bautista is flying in to entertain the workers. The two cruises can only handle 600 people total, so we are issuing tickets for this event. Arrow helpers and Jubilee Church members will be involved in this outreach event, so if you are an Arrow employer, perhaps you'll allow your worker to return a little later on Sunday, June 29th. Thanks for your consideration.
The lady I wanted is already hired! *@#!
Many of you have inquired about some of the ladies in our new batch of trainees. We are very sorry that some of the ones you wanted have been hired by others. We have clients who hired one of our Arrow ladies, and, for one reason or the other, their helper could not come to Hong Kong. (E.G. failed medical or passport problem). Because these are existing customers, our policy is to allow them to have first choice from the new helpers. After they have chosen their replacement helper, then we open the trainees up for everyone else. I'm sure that once you hire an Arrow helper, you will want us to apply this policy to you as well. Thank you for understanding.
On the other hand, we have many well qualified and good helpers available! Please check the ones with scores first. The 2nd week of trainees have not been fully evaluated yet. Take a look at our applicants. You won't find these ladies at any other agency. They are exclusive to Arrow.
Your baby talks! Do you know what he/she is saying?
基於我們的顧客大多期待着新生命的來臨,我特意轉貼了一個關於Priscilla Dunstan 在The Oprah Show的分享給大家。Priscilla Dunstan是個厲害的人物!她懂得跟1-3個月大的嬰兒溝通,並了解他們的語言。她能很快地教懂你他們在說什麼!初為人父人母的你,請到下列的連結瀏覽整個故事吧!
Since most of our clients are expecting babies, I am reprinting the post about Priscilla Dunstan, who was on The Oprah Show. This lady is amazing; she has disciphered the language of 1-3 month old infants. She can quickly teach you what they are saying. New moms and dads, please go to the link below and read the whole story.
Amazing Medical Breakthroughs: Priscilla Dunstan's Gift
"Priscilla Dunstan hears babies' words.
For millions of sleep-deprived mothers around the world, this woman's findings could be a miracle! Priscilla Dunstan, a mom from Australia with a special gift, says she's unlocked the secret language of babies."
"When Priscilla was a toddler, her parents discovered she
had a photographic memory for sound. At age 4, she could hear a Mozart
concert on the piano and play it back note for note.
Priscilla says her gift has helped her hear a special "second
language" beyond English, allowing her to detect moods and even
diagnose illnesses! "Other people might hear a note but I sort of get
the whole symphony," Priscilla says. "So when someone's speaking, I get
all this information that other people might not pick up."
That mysterious second language took on an astounding new meaning
when Priscilla became a mother to her baby, Tom. "Because of my gift
for sound, I was able to pick out certain patterns in his cries and
then remember what those patterns were later on when he cried again,"
Priscilla says. "I realized that other babies were saying the same
Arrow Orientation May June 2008
Our new group of trainees are ready to work in Hong Kong. We have just finished two weeks of orientation and interviews and the latest batch of trainees are quite impressive. They are hard working, have good attitudes and seem to be really nice people. The level of English is the best overall of any training so far. A number of the ladies are ex-abroad. They have been very cooperative and responsive to our training. Their profiles have been added to our website, but we haven't scored the 2nd week yet. Candidates from the first week went directly to the government testing and all of them passed. Take a look, but don't take too long, because there is great interest in this class of trainees.